To celebrate the release, the fragrance is available not only as an Elixir de Parfum ($60-$75) but also as a very special Limited Edition Parfum ($225), which features a hand-crafted glass faceted dauber, reminiscent of the diamond - a traditional 10th wedding anniversary gift. The Romance Always Yours Elixir de Parfum will become a permanent part of the collection alongside the original Romance". The bottle cap mimicks a large faceted emerald-cut diamond.
Now available at major department stores in the US and at RalphLauren.com.

But I thought the most interesting little innovation is brought via technology and the Internet: Just in time for St.Valentine's Day Ralph Lauren has created the Romance vMAIL, a virtual Valentine to share with the special person in your life. Here's how it works: First, you create a slideshow of images by uploading your own photos from Flickr, your computer or selecting from iconic Romance images shot by photographer Bruce Weber and featuring real-life model couple, Valentina & Luiz. Next, you create a customized soundtrack for your slideshow: You can choose from ten romantic tunes, including an exclusive downloadable track from the new Nat King Cole album of modern remixes, which is free by the way (nice touch!). Finally, the unique Romance vMAIL is shareable so you can email it to your boyfriend or husband or post it to your Facebook page or MySpace page, and other social networks. Romance vMAIL link: http://www.always-yours.com/
Info & pics via press release