In the interests of research (if you have been following the Best Seller and
Best of/Top annual lists you know how historical archiving warms the cockles of my heart) I am throwing out a question to you, dear readers, today.
As simple as that: Which fragrances did you wear most in 2014? Not need for elaborate statistics, I need your assessment and feeling.
It could be something mainstream from
Cartier (La Panthere launched this year) or
Armani's Si (last year) or more researched, something from niche such as
Aedes de Venustas Oeillet Bengale or
Copal Azur or even artisanal such as
Phi Rose de Kandahar by Andy Tauer...It could also be something older, such as
Chanel Coco, which many readers rediscovered, or a celebrity perfume, or a natural oil, no shame in anything....Please divulge!
I will do a sum up and include it as an addendum on the
Best Of 2014 List to follow.