"The forest has no hysteric like the bird cherry. Amid the clear-headed firs and the courageous juniper, the bird cherry is a decadent diva whose theatrical attitudes are not appreciated in restrained world of the Finnish forest. If the bird cherry could speak, it would sigh, 'Aah!, 'Oooh!' and 'Dearie me!'"One of my faithful readers, the very interesting and extremely generous in spirit, the wonderful Stella Polaris, sent me the following link about the Cherry Bird tree of the Finnish forest whose flowers emit a strong, heady almond odor.
Click here to read the rest of the article on the Bird Cherry and what it symbolises, by author Illka Malmberg.

And because it's Friday and your mind is probably wondering...a little poll for you.
1.What is your favorite season?
I love winter and autumn. I guess autumn is more optimistic and wistful at the same time, so it has a slight advantage for me.
2.What is your favorite tree?
Bitter orange for fragrance, poplar for the wonderful swaying sound of the leaves in the wind.
3.Did you read anything good lately?
Not really, most books I took up this spring proved to be disappointing in one way or another. Have high hopes for some Serres I got recommended.
4.What are you going to do this summer?
Rest hopefully! Travel is on the schedule as well, different destinations vying for my attention.
5.What's the first thing you do as soon as the weather warms up?
Kick off socks and hose and get my Jourdan sandals out.
6.Are you looking forward to a summery scent in particular?
I seem to have re-found Vetiver Tonka from the Hermessences and plan on wearing it quite a bit this summer: strikes the perfect balance between warm and cool, sweet and dry.
So what about you? I'd love to hear your thoughts and recs.