
Friday, August 29, 2008

Vetiver Dance by Tauer: Fragrance Review and Draw

“She is the embodiment of grace. She flows like water, she glows like fire and has the earthiness of a mortal goddess. She has flowers in her hair, jewelled hands and kohl-dark eyes. Her eyes speak a language that her hands will translate, her feet move in tandem to make the story complete. She is a danseuse, she is a performer, she is almost ethereal.”

Vetiver Dance, the newest Andy Tauer fragrance dances around vetiver the way an Indian dancer dances like water, like fire. It is completely fabulous and if you're even in the least intrigued, there is strong motive for you to read through so as not to miss a spectacular surprise. I got a preview previously and after focusing on vetiver these past few days, it was a natural progression to come back and give a full review.

One of the traits which I appreciate most in niche Swiss perfumer Andy Tauer's oeuvre, apart from his excellent customer service of course, is that he doesn't resort to syncatabasis. His creations do not condensent to soothe the audience into the false sense of security of presenting them with artisanal pretentions yet producing eerily derivative works. Every one of his scents can stand alone, even though the common thread between them is unmistakeably his signature. Although I do not wear all his fragrances due to personal quirks and preferences, some of them have caught my attention and became friends immediately and forcibly: L'air du desert marocain was my first apodrasis into the desert, Rêverie au Jardin promenaded me into a soothing afternoon vignette through a Provencial field, while the duo of Incense took me from the austere bedrock of a hermite of Incense Extrême to the bright lux in tenebris filtered through the colourful vitraux of a spacious church on a festive morning of Incense Rosé.

According to the Tauer press release:
"Vetiver oil is one of the most fascinating natural fragrances to work with.Exploring the dark, raw and almost damp earthiness of vetiver oil you may discover hidden gems. Delicate lines of green leaves, clear spices, and soft flower petals. Trying to expose these treasures, I was working for more than a year on the fragrance that was later baptized “Vetiver dance” thanks to a creative online community. It is a fragrance where the dense and rich notes of vetiver oil balance the lightness of citrus, where wet dark earth nourishes white flowers, and where green spices extend vibrant woody chords".

An enumeratio of the creation was slowly unfolding on Tauer's blog, for months on end, leading us through the steps. In it all, there comes the contraption that needs to be patented: Vetiverometer ~a term coined by Andy Tauer, a "machine" measuring the “vetiverness”, the proximity to the real thing and reading the results, on an open logarithmic vetiver scale, so you get an idea where your scent is. Of course this didn't aim at a quality reading but instead the proximity to the material itself which varies a lot according to the soil vetiver has rooted on and drank upon, as we explained before.
Tauer finally managed to come to his desired effect: vetiver is clearly visible within Vetiver Dance, yet the pepper, clary sage and the cleaner aspect of lily of the valley garland it into a playful hide-and-seek.

Vetiver and grapefruit notes were allies for a long time, as even the natural oil depending on the source might have this kind of nuance to it. Natural grapefruit essence as well as tangy lemongrass oppose and enhance the rooty aroma in Vetiver Dance. The vetiver derivative Vetiverol extends the earthy Javanese note, upping the vetiver ambience to high volume, dry and tonic. Vetiver Dance is not as single-minded rooty as Vétiver Extraordinaire by F.Malle with its unexpected wet touch, but it is far removed from the starchy cotton-shirts of the bankers of classic Guerlain Vétiver. Its fierce peppery note, very distinct and a source of great hedonism to this spice lover, is supported by natural coriander, clary sage leaves' essence and a slight touch of cardamom oil. To me, the protagonist in the initial stages is the pepper along with the vetiver-grapefruit accord, fiery, dry; cold and hot at the same time.
Although Tauer lists lily of the valley (a recreated note which has been here centered around the soapy Lilial) as well as Bulgarian rose, the fragrance isn't floral or "clean" in the way of several more conservative vetivers in the market, like the two by Creed.
But the surprise comes when the fragrance dries down, revealing a delicious ambrein background which hovers on like a skin-scent, warm, pulsating and sexily tantalising, making this a vetiver fit to be worn on intimate rendez-vous and shared between lovers.

Notes: vetiver oil from Java, grapefruit peel oil, black pepper seed, clary sage, Rose absolute from Bulgaria, lily of the valley, ambergris, cedar wood, Tonka bean and cistus extracts.

Vetiver Dance by Tauer will be available in 50ml/1.7oz of Eau de Toilette starting October. His fragrances are available online from First in Fragrance, Luckyscent and Aedes. Click over to Tauer Perfumes to learn more details. Andy Tauer will be at Scentbar in Los Angeles on October 4 & 17 to introduce Vetiver Dance.
Andy also has a secret in the works which I am not allowed to divulge just yet, but rest assured it will make many fans smile. If only he releases Hyacinth and a Mechanic as well!

For Perfume Shrine readers Andy Tauer suggested a spectacular draw: THREE NEW FULL BOTTLES of the yet unreleased Vetiver Dance. I will randomly pick the winners through and direct them over to Andy who will send them their prizes!
But as a consolation prize, he also sent me a few samples for some more winners*, so state your interest and if you're lucky you will get a chance to get a preview for yourself!

*NB: In the interests of full disclosure, I decided to keep a couple of samples for myself and my S.O., to enjoy this wonderful vetiver till the time comes when I buy my own bottle in October.

Pic of actors rolling in Aristophanes' performance from Epidaurus, via Bottle pic via Tauer press release.


  1. I'd love to try a sample. Thank you!

    Lovely blog, by the way. Your writing is luscious!

  2. Hello, am really enjoying the Vetiver series so far and am looking forward to more. I would love to be considered for the draw.

  3. Anonymous09:41

    I'd really love to sample! Got inspired through your series to try and compare different scents with vetiver playing both the main role and secondary roles, and this time of the year then summer turns to autumn & the vegetation turns to soil, seem like the perfect time for this trying. Andy Tauer, by the way, has such a pleasant aura, have not had the fortune to try any of his creations!
    thank you again for the daily dose of olfactive-through-words stimulation to be found here :)

  4. Anonymous09:42

    ps: sol = stella polaris

  5. Anonymous09:55

    Wonderful post; I love this perfume as I do all of Andy's scents. Please include me in the draw. Thank you and have a great weekend.

  6. Anonymous10:32

    I loved what you wrote about Vetiver Dance.
    Please include me too.
    I wish to have it

  7. Have wound up here via Now Smell This and the Tauer website and am now salivating at the thought of trying some of this! Please add me to the draw...

  8. I'd be very interested to try this Vetiver Dance, I love his L'air du desert marocain, so please add me to the draw too :)

  9. Oooh, oooh, me too!

    I missed out on Andy's first sample draw. Here's another chance.
    I want to be the first in Australia to be wearing Vetiver Dance!

    hey, that rhymes.


  10. Anonymous11:18

    I know all perfumes Andy and I love them. I have the favorites among them - зто L'air du desert marocain, Lonestar Memories, Incense Rosé. Andy does not cease to surprise with the talent, and the most important it has the sight and the recognized handwriting (which I have named for myself Tauerinade)

  11. Anonymous11:27

    Oh...please throw me in. I got the Chance to smell this perfume this Summer, when Andy was in Munich. I was amazed. Powerhouse-Vetver;)


  12. Oh I loved the incenses especially the rose! Would love to have a chance to appreciate this new release.


  13. Anonymous11:49

    Hi Helg, I can not wait to try this latest Tauer. A vetiver done by him would trully be special. I would be delighted to included in the draw for a FB. Thanks so much:)

  14. Anonymous11:51

    Love to take part of a draw, and I think it´s really nice of Tauer to make a few bottles available even!

  15. Anonymous12:15

    How exciting to chase after Andy's wonderful scents. I love it.

  16. Anonymous12:37

    Your writing's such a pleasure! I love Andy Tauer's work, and vetiver is one of my favorite notes. Please include me in the drawing.

  17. Anonymous13:10

    How very generous, many thanks, I'd love to be included in the draw.

  18. Anonymous13:15

    I really enjoy these series you do based around one note. I'd love to be included in the prize draw. Thanks!

  19. I love Tauer's perfumes! I would love to be included in the prize and sample draw. This new fragrance sounds wonderful, thank you!

  20. What a wonderful review! I'd love to be included in the drawing.

  21. Anonymous13:21

    It sounds spectacular. I would love to be included in the drawing.

  22. Rachel,

    thank you for your compliments :-)
    You're included!

  23. Rose,

    so glad you like the Series: we're not nearly over yet! Lots of things to consider still.

    Of course you're in! Good luck!

  24. S,

    thank you for your most kind words, it's fun to stimulate you!
    You're so right: the shift from summer to autumn has a great ambience for the appreciation of vetiver.

    Best of luck for the draw!

  25. Mark,

    thank you for the compliment! You're in the draw.
    Have a great weekend you too!

  26. Simone,

    I am honoured you liked it, writing from across the globe. Thanks for stopping by and you're of course included, good luck!

  27. SecretSquirrel (fun username, btw),

    I am glad you found Perfume Shrine and hope to have you here often, if you find it worthy of your time. :-)
    I have included you!

  28. Terjegj,

    I love L'air too, it's masterfully done! Best of luck in the draw!

  29. Mark42,

    I sure hope you will be the first and lol on the rhyme (good one!)

  30. Anon,

    indeed Andy's scents have something of a signature which projects a certain style: a very assured one!
    You're in the draw!

  31. Peppernuts,

    lucky you! Yes, of course I have included you. Good luck!

  32. Absolutely, please include me in the draw!

    I have enjoyed reading Andy's accounting of the process creating this perfume. It has captured my interest in many ways, now; not just scent curiosity, but also the kind of conceptual investment that goes along with tracing its emergence from idea to liquid in a bottle.

    What a fun facet to your Vetiver series, this review and draw! Thanks!

  33. Anne,

    I loved the Incenses as well (just my thing! especially the Extreme in my case).
    I think you will love this one too: best of luck!

  34. B,

    it's a fabulous fragrance, I can tell you that. I have included you and now you have to cross your fingers you win your own bottle :-)

  35. Anonymous13:54

    Vetiver is my favorite note these days and I'm eager to try this one -- please include me in the drawing!

  36. Lian,

    Andy is AMAZING in his generosity towards his customers (have heard magnificent tales from people) and his excellent communication skills to us perfume writers: I can't think of a sweeter person.
    What a difference from brands who have to hire someone to grudgingly say how great they are!

    Of course you're in and best of luck!

  37. Stephan,

    it's exciting no doubt and very worth exploring. Thanks for stopping by. You're in!

  38. Diana,

    thank you for your compliment, which warms my heart. I hope you have been enjoying the Vetiver Series and Vetiver Dance proves to take pride of place on your dresser.
    Good luck!

  39. Silvia,

    it's Andy who has been so generous. If I had got a bottle of my very own, I don't know how generous I would be! LOL! (OK, OK, I might have shared a couple of homemade samples).
    Of course you're included in the draw!

  40. Rachel,

    so happy the Series on Perfume Shrine have proven to be so popular to readers and so delightful for me to write. When I began it seemed such a monumental task to me, yet I find myself enjoying myself more and more with each one.

    Of course I have included you and good luck!

  41. Jennifer,

    thanks for commenting! It is a wonderful scent: dry, elegant, spicy, earthy, sexy.
    Good luck!

  42. Sharon,

    thanks for stopping by and for your kind compliment, I appreciate it.

    You're in, of course!

  43. London,

    glad you stopped by, it's really great. Best of luck in the draw!

  44. Scents,

    I have been enjoying seeing the procedure myself: this aspect of Tauer's blog is really exciting, seeing as you so cleverly put it "tracing its emergence from idea to liquid in a bottle".

    Glad you like the review and the series. Best of luck for the draw!

  45. Court,

    thanks for stopping by and hope to see you often. Vetiver is a wonderful material and it's great to find a fragrance that represents it in such an interesting way.
    You're in the draw!

  46. Hi Helg,

    Vetiver Dance sounds spectacular. I would love to sample it or even win a FB. Thank you for the wonderful vetiver series this past week - it has been enlightening to read about one of my favorite notes.

    Any thoughts on the Roger and Gallet Vetyver? I suspect the tester I tried was a bit old, but it seemed a lovely grassy vetiver with a warm myrrh base.

    Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  47. Sue,

    thank you for your lovely compliment, it's been a pleasure seeing such warm reception in the comments and the numerous emails I got. It inspired me to write more and begin more Series and features.

    I think the Roger&Gallet scents are uniformely pleasant and their Vetyver is light and perfect for warmer weather without being soapy.

    Best of luck for the draw, crossing my fingers you win.

  48. I simply adore Andy's style and was lucky enough to receive a preview... now would I be lucky enough for a bottle? *fingers crossed*

  49. What a generous offer by Andy. I'd love to be added to the draw. With vetiver and tonka bean, it just sounds amazing.


  50. Anonymous14:42

    What a fantastic draw! Please enter me. I love the Roger and Gallet Vetiver and cant wait to try this one.

  51. Anonymous15:14

    Yes, please add me to the draw, your review makes it sound like a must!


  52. Anonymous15:32

    Please put me in the draw. I hope it is OK even if I am living in Sweden...

    I really like your blog and read it with big interest.

    I have tried L'Air du desert de Marocain by Andy Tauer and it is a lovely fragrance.

    PS. Where do I send my adress?

  53. Gah, I'm always late to the party. Please enter me as well!

  54. Gah, I'm always late to the party. Please enter me as well!

  55. Thanks for your wonderful blog. Would love to win a sample!

  56. Monica,

    hope so for you! :-)
    Thanks for stopping by.

  57. BlossomingTree (lovely artwork),

    it was indeed very generous of him, especially considering he is mixing it for our readers specially (as it's unreleased yet).

    Good luck!

  58. Maitreyi,

    of course you're included! :-)

  59. Calypso,

    thank you, I liked it very very much! Good luck!

  60. Annelie,

    thank you for your compliments, your support means a lot to me. Hope to see you often.

    Of course it's all right if you're in Sweden, after all Perfume Shrine is a European blog ;-)

    When I pick up the random winners I will send them over to Andy: so you will send you address to Andy, not to me; I don't have any bottles in my hands. :-)

    Best of luck!!

  61. Billy,

    you're not late and how could I forget you? You're included. :-)

  62. Debra,

    what ~no desire to get a bottle, if you get lucky? :O
    Of course I have included you, best of luck!

    And thank you for your lovely compliment :-)

  63. I would love a sample. I have learned so much from your blog.

  64. Well - a lot of your entries are already the prize as they give a lot of interesting information about perfumery. And it's double prize now ;-)

    It was nice to read your review following my own memory of the Vetiver Dance. Thank you.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Big fan of some other Tauer fragrances here (Le Maroc Pour Elle, L'Air du Desert Morocain). I can't wait to try this one! I'd love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks!

  67. Anonymous18:51

    Oooh, please do enter me in the drawing for a bottle (or a sample)!

    Maybe you could add a link to Luckyscent too in your review, Andy's scents are available there as well.

  68. Well, why the heck not?
    A fellow blogger, I am also an admirer of Andy's work... please drop my name in the hat too!
    Scented greetings from me! :)

  69. Hi,

    I actually stumbled upon this through Andy's website and would love to be entered in the draw for samples and full bottles!


  70. Anonymous19:19

    What a generous offer! I've been following Vetiver Dance through Andy's blog, and it sounds like something I would love. You thoughtful review just makes me want it even more -- the wait is killing me!

    So, please enter me in the draw!


  71. Hi Helg! Please include me in the draw. I received one of Andy's 100 samples that he sent out a few months ago - it's wonderful - especially on my husband. I'd love to pass it on. :-)

  72. I would absolutely love to try this. Please count me in!

  73. I love your description and am looking forward greatly to the Dance!

    Please add me to the drawing, too!

  74. Anonymous21:51

    I am a fan of everything I have tried from Andy so far. Given my love of vetiver this should be an awesome addition!

    Please consider me for the sample/bottle drawing as well!

  75. I love Andy's work! Please add me to the drawing. Thanks :)

  76. Anonymous22:56

    I love vetiver and Tauer's perfumes.
    Please count me in!

  77. Hereby officially dropping my name in the magic hat. I've heard so much about this one, I'd love to try it!

  78. This one sound really good. And I haven't even managed to try the incense ones yet. Include me in, as they say :)

  79. I would love to be entered for the drawing, I have been lemming Andy Tauer scents like mad, just haven't gotten to him yet. RosieGreen

  80. Anonymous23:46

    Hi Helg...

    Here's my entry. That's so cool that he's giving away 3 full bottles. :)



  81. Of course, I'm interested! Throw my name in the hat, for sure!

  82. Anonymous00:53

    I would love to be entered in the draw!! thanks!

  83. Oh please enter me in the draw, too! I have never sniffed a Tauer perfume I didn't love, and the only one, besides Vetiver, that I haven't sniffed yet is Incense Rose. So if there is a sample of that, I would love to enter the draw for that, too. Thank you so much for giving us a preview of his new perfume.

  84. wow, E -- so many responses today! I'm late, but please, if possible, enter me in the draw. I would love to sample Vetiver Dance. Thanks!

  85. Anonymous04:28

    Would love to be in the draw if it's not too late, I've been dying to sample it for so long...
    Thanks, Helg!

  86. oh, please tell me i'm not too late to be included in the drawing!
    this sounds so wonderful, especially the description of the drydown:) thanks for your great writing.

  87. Anonymous06:52

    I'd love to be in the drawing as well. I've tried Malle's vet and am still looking for one that's truly innovative.

  88. Anonymous06:58

    Oh, Helg, please include me in the draw. You're absolutely right, as usual, about this fragrance. My DH and I got a whiff of it at Luckyscent last spring and it was stunning! My DH has been eager for its release.

  89. Neers,

    you honour me! You're included :-)

  90. Aromax,

    awwww, I'm deeply flattered by your wonderful compliment, thanks.

    I remember you liked it a lot and had some moments of discovery through it, so hope you'll win some! Good luck!

  91. Lindsey,

    thanks for stopping by and best of luck!

  92. Dear Tara,

    of course I have included you! Best of luck!
    And thank you for your excellent suggestion, will do now.

  93. Dimitri,

    thank you for stopping by and for your excellent fellowship which I enjoy :-)
    It'd be my pleasure to include you in the draw!

  94. BeautyGuru,

    I'm glad you stumbled here and hope to see you more.
    Of course you're included!

  95. Eileen,

    thanks for your kind words, hope you win some!

  96. Karin,

    hi there!
    Hope you win some, it's really good, very wearable, very sexy :-)

  97. Dain,

    how could I forget you? Of course you're in! Hope you get to try it.

  98. Vasily,

    so glad you liked the description, thanks.
    I have added you!

  99. Nicholas,

    thanks for stopping by, hope to see you often. I am sure this one won't disappoint, it's well-made.
    Best of luck!

  100. Rod,

    isn't it good to belong to Andy's fans? Good luck for the draw!

  101. Guido,

    you've been added, good luck!

  102. Dear Six,

    you're officially added and I sincerely hope you win some! I'd love to see what you think of it.

  103. Duke,

    thank you for stopping by (and for making me discover something new!). The Incenses are really good as well: I love the Extreme especially.
    Good luck with the draw!

  104. Dawn,

    good to see you, how are you darling?

    It's very cool indeed: he surprised me! Of course I have included you. Hope you or your hub get to enjoy this.

  105. Karin,

    thanks for stopping by, I have included you!

  106. Lavanya,

    thanks for stopping by and hope to see you often. You're included!

  107. Kathryn,

    you're very welcome! Best of luck, you're in!

  108. J,

    yes, thanks; it shows both how many read and don't always comment and how desirable Andy's scents are!
    Naturally, I have included you!

  109. Nika,

    you're very welcome, of course you're included so best of luck! Hope you get to enjoy it!

  110. Gina,

    thanks for your wonderful compliment.

    No, you're not too late! As a matter of fact I think I'll leave this going for a few days and announce winners at the end of next week, so that everyone gets their fair chance to participate.

    Best of luck!

  111. Zeram,

    thanks for stopping by! Hope you like it here.

    Malle's Vetiver is great but very different: much more straight vetiver; whereas this one is spicier and has a warm ambery/coumarin base. Hope you get to try it!

  112. Maria,

    thank you for commenting and for your kind words.
    Your husband btw has excellent taste!
    You're included of course and best of luck!

  113. Anonymous13:29

    Love, love Andy's work and also your blog! Count me in.

  114. Anonymous15:51

    Oh,yes, I would love to try some Vetiver Dance! Please enter me in the drawing!

  115. Ohhh, I`d love to try a sample!

  116. I would love a chance for a bottle or sample of Vetiver Dance! I was so impressed with L'air du désert marocain, and now have samples of two more of Tauer's fragrances to try.

  117. Anonymous19:38

    Please include me in the draw. This vetiver sounds right up my alley!

  118. I adore everything Andy Tauer makes - please do enter me in the draw!

  119. Anonymous04:06

    Please enter me in the Vetiver Dance drawing.

    And thank you for the vetiver series.


  120. Please enter me in the Vetiver Dance drawing!

  121. Anonymous06:51

    I am so excited about Vetiver Dance - please do include me in the drawing. So far, I have not met a Tauer I don't like...

    Thank you for another beautiful review!

  122. Anon,

    thanks for the support. :-)
    You're included in the draw!

  123. Olfacta,

    I am wishing you good luck!

  124. Benvenuta,

    welcome, I have included you in the draw! Good luck!

  125. Paula,

    you are included. I have been pleased with Andy's industriousness and artistry myself (L'air is indeed pretty impressive!)

  126. OliviaB,

    I hope it proves to be a lovely new fragrance for you :-)

  127. Gina,

    he's certainly very talented. You're included of course.

  128. Ronnie,

    it's great to see you here and since you're the expert...I am very pleased you have been enjoying my humble project.

    You're included! I bet it would be exciting to try! :-)

  129. Ben,

    welcome and best of luck!

  130. Elizabeth,

    thank you for your compliment. I hope you get to try it, it's lovely.

  131. Your comments on Andy Tauers Vetiver are mouthwatering. At least for a vetiver-junkie like me. ;-)

  132. Christof,

    thank you very much. I am glad you liked them and hope you get to enjoy the fragrance as well.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  133. Anonymous14:47

    Vetiver's starting to appeal to me more and more, and I've got a great deal of faith in Andy and his abilities. Here's hoping! :)

  134. What an opportunity! Andy Tauer's work is breathtaking, I'd love to be entered into this drawing...

  135. Please include me in the drawing - and many thanks for doing this!

  136. Unlike most of the rest, I do not wish to be included in the drawing - I like giving my money to Andy ;) However, I want to particularly applaud you for the poetry in this post, which shines vividly among the blog posts I've been reading today!

  137. You really make it sound beautiful, can't wait to try it eventually and would love to try my luck in the drawing :)

  138. Daniel,

    welcome and good luck!
    It's a very good scent: the more I am wearing it, the more I am looking forward to getting my very own bottle in October.

  139. Vulpesera/A,

    thanks, it was very generous of him.
    You're of course included: Good luck!

  140. Aparatchick,

    you're very welcome, I am honoured he gave me the opportunity to host this.
    You're in the draw!

  141. Dear Risa,

    thanks for your lovely words to me, I appreciate your kindness and support more than you know.

    I like giving my money to Andy too!
    Yet the buzz this generated will probably help him get impressions and opinions out which will certainly help in sales when the fragrance rolls out in October (can't wait!): for that I am glad, because it's deserved.

  142. Mikael,

    thank you so much for your compliment, it's the fragrance's fault. I am liking it more and more. I have included you in the drawing: good luck!

  143. Anonymous08:03

    please enter me in the drawing; i've been very impressed with all of the Tauer frags, even when they have not been to my personal taste. thanks! -hvs

  144. Oh, please enter me in the draw, I love everything of Andy's that I have ever tried! This one sounds like another winner!

  145. Anonymous08:20

    Please enter me, too.
    The description sounds fabulous!

  146. Of course you're included, HVS!
    Best of luck!

  147. Flora,
    it is!
    Good luck with the drawing!

  148. Dear N,

    how could I ever forget you? You're included, even if you didn't say so.

  149. Anonymous18:22

    I would love to be entered, I am just now starting to compare vetivers and would love to see his take on it.

  150. Anonymous20:54

    If it's not too late,please enter me in the draw! I would love to try Andy Tauer.

  151. Anonymous21:12

    Dear E,
    I would love to be entered in the draw too!

  152. Anonymous22:29

    Great to read the draw's still open! I love Vetiver, I love Tauer! Thanks, Stacy

  153. Please include me in the draw - thank you!

  154. Dear Lavinia,

    thank you, you're of course included. best of luck!
    Hope you're well :-)

  155. Tessa,
    Lina K,
    and Juno,

    you've been all included, thank you for stopping by and welcome to Perfume Shrine.

  156. Anonymous15:23

    Oh! I guess I came back from holidy just in time! Can you still enter me in? :-)

  157. Anonymous15:24

    Please enter me into the draw. Vetiver Dance sounds like a must-try.
    Also enjoyed your comments above about Perfume The Guide and the supplement. I'm having a great time reading it!

    Helg, thought you handled the little contretemps in the comments to that post adroitly as well ;)
    Personally, I find it easy to avoid "communities" I don't care for. I go elsewhere! However thankfully, I've seen very few trolls or even impolite behavior in the perfume blogs compared to other forums.
    Best wishes!

  158. Anonymous17:46

    I hope it is not too late to be included in the drawing. Love Andy's perfumes.

  159. I've heard so many wonderfull things about the new Vetiver Dance. If it's not too late, please enter me in the draw.

  160. Sylvia,

    indeed you have! You're included, don't you worry, best of luck! :-)


    you're in!
    Thank you for the kind words: sometimes it's not easy to handle everyone's sensitivities. A little humour helps, I find.


    good luck! You're in.


    not too late; of course you're in!
    It's worth testing for sure :-)

  161. I would love to be included in the draw. I hope I'm not too late! :-)

  162. Not too late, Claudia, nice to see you! Good luck :-)

    The results will be announces at the end of the week most likely (will have to block some hours typing the names, LOL).

  163. Hello,
    I too would like to be included in the draw.

  164. Anonymous03:17

    Great review. I enjoy some of the other Tauer scents, esp. Lonestar Memories. Please include me in the draw.

  165. Fatlabrats and G-segers,

    you're the last two to be included.


    Draw is now officially closed. Results to be announced soon, check back later please.
    Thanks for the MASSIVE participation and best of luck to all!


Type your comment in the box, choose the Profile option you prefer from the drop down menu, below text box (Anonymous is fine too!) and hit Publish.
And you're set!