
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pamela Anderson: just the person to launch another celebo-scent!

I just got sent the most disturbing news. OK, I should probably tone it down because it's not as if I found out having multiple sclerosis or some such debilitating disease or learning that my on-the-side "dough" for a tough day has magically gone up in smoke due to some accountant investement malhandling. No, the news is much more sedate, yet it does still have something of the creepy in it.

The news came in the form of an email by Laurie Pike who writes for the LA Magazine and I am quoting verbatim, because it's perfectly worded: "Malibu is known as an enclave for celebrities, a surf haven, the subject of a Courtney Love song. It's a surprise that the name of the storied town hasn't been used before for a fragrance. Can't you just imagine? Notes of sea air and orange blossoms, perhaps? Maybe a little essential oil of patchouli to reflect the hippie vibe? Now: consider Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Evocative of spring break and, for old timers, the setting of the Connie Francis film Where the Boys Are. And, um, not much else. So why on earth is Pamela Anderson launching a fragrance called Malibu way the hell down there?
The event takes place November 5 at a club called the Living Room. Whatev!"

I mean, whatev! I'm sure it will be claaaassy (please don't remind me how she must have smelled when she had filmed that little yachting clip with then husband Tommy Lee) and right at the synchronicity when Pamela is looking for scraps of fame in the dustbins of younger, comelier (ooops) contestants.
Just when we were saying that the celebrito-trend is withering and dying, eh? Now, I've seen it all. Oh, wait, the judge of Britain's Got Talent Simon Cowell is issuing one too, perhaps it's "got talent" as well.

For some relentless but witty and creatively hillarious celebo-parody in both prose and imagery, you really shouldn't miss this page on Galley of the Absurd. This is true pop-culture-of-the-moment and Damien Hirst has nothing on it! Really, click on the link, it's unmissable.

pic of Malibu ad via and X-ray Pamela Anderson via


  1. she kind of gets away with it all doesn't she... no idea how... it might be one of those celebrity scents that isn't as awful as you'd expect. Probably not but it might.

  2. Thanks for the link! I'll keep you posted on any other horrendous celeb news I hear.

  3. Oh dear! I have heard it all! I'm actually more surprised when I hear that a celebrity doesn't have a perfume out... that is honestly more shocking to me now... I will probably give this one a sniff out of curiosity ;)

  4. K,

    one can always hope, I guess, but really where's the pool (eh...) from which to draw inspiration for something in this case? :/

    Pamela used to be (back when no one but her mother knew her) a pretty girl. Then came the implants, then came fame, then came catastrophe in the form of all that tumbled down like a snowball...(oops)

  5. You're welcome L, it was juicy commentary and I am looking forward to them!

  6. J,

    honey, please, no! After Le Mystère Français and La Culture Française, Le Pew Americain? Please, you're so above it!

  7. Let's fight back.
    Let's each of us make their own non-celebrity scent. Our non-celebrity scents are quite likely to be less crappy than most of the celebrity fragrances so the world is at least going to get a little bit better.

  8. Horrific. Pointless. Revolting on every conceptual level.

  9. L,

    it's quite a good idea actually, especially if we organise this into something actually thought of, schemed and detailed which will benefit of some friends' experience in the field, say Perfumista Potion #1, #2 and #3 (Let's limit it to a few for starters). The only thing it really lacks is a channel through which people (obviously people into that sort of thing, not the general population) will get interested. But I suppose this is not a commercial project so word of mouth should be enough.

  10. Scentimentalist,

    I am in total agreement with you and really sad on the future of mass market perfume aisles if that's what we're reduced to. There has always been some crass along with class in all history, but does the pendulum seem to be swinging more and more on the one side, or is it just me? :/

  11. Helg,
    well, I'm working on something as you know. When the batch no. 2 is something like refined and finished, I plan to spread it to get some feedbacky thingy, one's own children are always perfect, you know...
    But a Perfumista Potion swap has an immense potential for fun. Let's organize something, shall we?

  12. L,

    I'm in!! As you say, it's all fun! :-))

  13. Okay, I'll write a rant about it and you redirect people to my blog, not many go there, I reckon:D

  14. Anonymous15:00

    Eeewww. Did Pamela willingly pose for that "x-ray" photo? If I were her, I'd sue whoever took it/Photoshopped it to expose those disgusting silicone balloons. Is she honestly proud of those?

    No need to fret, perfumistas: I'm sure this scented dreck won't be on the counters for long.


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