
Friday, June 12, 2015

Best Wedding Fragrances: For the Bride and the Groom with a Side Dish of Bridesmaids & Guests

Weddings are a loaded affair for most folks, usually requiring months of preparation in advance. The weight of the dress, the feel and fit of the satin shoes, the jewelry and the heirlooms (not to mention the hair accessories), the sugared almonds, the reception tableware and menu and the invitations, the groom's suit and of course the choice of fragrant flowers for the bouquet... Summer wedding can be even more demanding, when you monitor in the heat and the humidity and the locales which often embrace the great outdoors.

Weddings can also be a breezy eloping decision, but in that case you wouldn't be consulting an online guide to the best fragrances for the occasion anyway. So this post addresses the first demographic.
Does a specially chosen fragrance for the bride and groom create potent memories? You bet.
Do peripheral players in the ceremony play a role with their scent of choice? Of course they do. Imagine if your mother gassed the room with a heavy hitter that distracted from the proceedings. Or if your best man chose to wear something ultra challenging and while leaning over to give the rings emitted the ...shall we say "surgical ambience" of Secretions Magnifiques, for instance? (That'd be a cruel prank to carry out).

I have compiled a top wedding perfumes for brides and bridesmaids (or guests) on this slideshow and another one on best wedding colognes for the groom (and possibly the best man, just make sure they don't "clash") on that slideshow.


Enjoy and may your new life together be paved with happiness!


  1. Excellent choices.
    I went to 2 beautiful garden weddings in North Carolina and Florida last spring. Both brides had chosen Creed's Love in White as their fragrance.

    1. Thanks, B!
      Garden weddings are very romantic and at the same time can feel "fresh" and "natural". (I'd choose Grand Amour myself.)

  2. I do like your choices !

    I wonder ..... If I got married again - just what perfume I would wear! Honestly Helg - I have not a clue! LOL ... well , probably a Guerlain ! LOL

    1. M,

      glad we see eye to eye on this :-)

      Oh, lemme see....doing it all over again...probably eloping? You might just wear what your hubs loves and not give a thought to what the rest of them would like or enjoy. There's a thought!

      Hope you're peachy and not too cold down under.

  3. Its a bitter winter this year !

    1. Ouch!!! Sending warm (hot actually, it's close to 38C) hugs!


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