
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Small Note for the Winners of the Biehl Samples Draw Waiting for the Mail...

It has been brought to my attention that some of the winners of the Biehl Parfumkunstwerke draw here on these pages have not received their sample prizes yet. I admit that as I have not been sending these out in person (rather they're sent out by the distributors of the perfume range themselves, as I have mentioned in the draw originally) I have no means of tracking the packages or providing with more information on their whereabouts. I simply am in the dark as much as you are. :-/

 However I do wish to publicly and sincerely apologize here to each and everyone of you for keeping you waiting over the daily mail in the anticipation of their arrival. I know how it feels and I know it's disappointing. For that, I'm honestly sorry. Please know that I have already notified the people who need to be notified so that the situation should be fixed for you soon.

 Hoping that you will receive them soon and with sincere appreciation for your time in posting a comment to enter a draw on these pages,
 warm regards,


  1. thank you Elena - I am looking into it and will have an answer shortly.

  2. Oh, THANKS so much Elena. I have been watching my mail hoping to see my samples arrive. At least now I know that there's still a chance that they will come. I actually thought someone might have stolen them from my mailbox, or that our German Shepard might have drug them off! I have renewed excitement. Judy

  3. Mimi G16:05

    Thanks Elena !
    I'm still watching the mail for the package as well !

  4. Dear Elena,

    You are so kind. I actually was thinking about writing to you to inquire about these samples but decided to wait another week in case the mail man came with a scented surprise. Thanks for letting us know.
    All the best to you!

  5. Thank you for the update! I was going to wait a little longer before emailing--I know these things sometimes take time, and perfume especially can take a little longer to get through the mail.

    Glad to know that my package probably wasn't lost or swiped out of my mailbox, though--that was my main concern!

  6. I received a single sample of gs03. Was it supposed to be a set?

  7. Anonymous17:09

    awesome! thanks for doing that, as i, too, have not received them. but hey, it's gift, so it's all good. the anticipation doesn't hurt anything.


  8. Thank you so much, Elena.
    I keep checking my mailbox like an eager child looking for cards around their birthday. I *did* actually have a birthday this month, so I was actually JUST like that child! :)

    I figured that you didn't have any direct control over this sample set being sent out, so I didn't want to bother you. <3

    Thank you so much for following up with the distributor about this. I am so very eager to get the set in the mail!


  9. Annina, I know that Fragrantica also had a drawing for a single sample of Biehl GS03. Did you happen to enter that drawing as well?

  10. Really? I don't think I did. I don't remember seeing Fragrantica's draw. But I do also have Mommy Brain, so it's possible. The name of the first commenter was the same as the return address of the package I received.

  11. They listed the sample winners on this page:

    If your "handle" isn't listed, maybe they got the contests confused. Who knows? May all of us here receive our full sets, though! :)

  12. They arrived today--I'm so happy! Currently typing with one hand while holding a scent strip of mb03 to my nose. Thank you again for holding this drawing, and to Jeffrey Dame/biehl. for providing the samples!

  13. Sharyl,

    GREAT!!! Thanks for coming here and posting about it, that was very thoughtful of you and I appreciate it.
    Enjoy!! have fun!!


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