
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The winner of the draw...

...for the Tauer bottle of your choice is Mireille. Congratulations! Please email me (using the Contact email on top of page) with your shipping data mentioning in the title "PerfumeShrine Tauer draw" and the scent of your choice, so your prize can be in the mail soon.

Thanks everyone for the enthusiastic participation, rest assured your comment wasn't wasted as I plan to include a shout-out to all of you later on (surprise!), and till the next one!


  1. Congratulations Mireille! I'm curious as to which perfume you'll choose :D

  2. Eva H.13:01

    Congrats Mireille!!!


Type your comment in the box, choose the Profile option you prefer from the drop down menu, below text box (Anonymous is fine too!) and hit Publish.
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