
Monday, August 3, 2009

The winners of the draw...

....for the Lutens samples are: Nina Z, skrzypce, Violaine, Bananrchy, and Scott.

...for the Divine samples are: Scentself, Peggy, Alexandra, WaftbyCarol, and Karin.

Congrats to all and please mail me soon with your shipping information (and the scent you won too) so I can have your prizes in the mail in time before my vacation.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation and stay tuned for the next one!


  1. Woo-hoo!!! Yay!!! [jumping up and down like a game show contestant...]

  2. Oh by Jove I'm very happy !! :)
    Merci & thank you !
    Truly, Violaine

  3. OMG OMG I never win anything! This is amazing, thank you!


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